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Are you always searching for excellent, engaging content from Facebook?

If you’re a nice marketer and you’ve been planning your marketing, you understand that creating your content becomes a little easier. To be a good marketer, you really do need to go through your business goals and objectives, know about your target market (and if you’re really connecting with your consumer, you’ll have made target market personas), and have a good idea of a content strategy, with themes like lifestyles, products, and news. You can even make a monthly calendar with general ideas for what you’ll be posting to engage your Fans.

Customer Feedback 

Listen to your client, discover out what they want, and provide them with it. Yeah, in a nutshell, that’s kind of marketing 101, but it works-even if you’re searching for content from Facebook.

Check your messages and remarks on your Facebook client, check your client email, check your mentions on Twitter. What do your clients ask you about, what do they comment on and what do they post? Use these as inspiration-after all, they are your target market.

Make posts on Facebook that answer their questions (shortly) or address subjects that your fans are commenting on.

Monitor Competition 

Watching your competition is another excellent way to discover engaging Facebook content. Make your competitors ‘ list of 5-20, check their Facebook pages regularly.

You can attempt to be like them and post their most famous articles with comparable content. Make your messages slightly different, taking into account your company’s brand and consumer.

Or, take note of what they post and how well their marketing topics involve clients-and then do something else.

Track Relevant Hashtags 

Make a list of hashtags linked to brand, product and lifestyle. On your social sites, monitor these keywords.

On Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and now on Facebook, track the hashtags.

For instance, you can discover some excellent inspiration sources for pictures of lifestyle posts on Pinterest. If your Facebook approach involves, say, household tips posts-search and track Pinterest on #householdtips, #householdtricks, and #houseworktips for excellent ideas.

Follow Inspiring People and Companies 

In addition to monitoring hashtags on your favorite social sites, follow the individuals and brands posting inspirational updates on company subjects.

These brands may include your rivals, clients, and even prospective company associates.

Tip: If your source is your client or prospective friendly partner, mentioning them in your post is a nice practice, or at least mentioning them when you promote your Facebook post across the board.

Subscribe to industry-specific blogs

Subscribe to industry-specific blogs. Make a list of blog posts particular to the 10-20 sector. Check them out by reading some of their posts and seeing what they’re doing as a business. Subscribe to their blogs if the posts suit your Facebook content strategy.

Use a reader feed. This keeps your email less clogged, and in a cloud-based reader you can arrange your reading material much better than by email.

Subscribe to blogs related to lifestyle

Does your Facebook content approach include a lot of posts about lifestyle? Repeat step #6 above, but subscribe to websites linked to the lifestyle of your target market. Make a list of 10-20 associated blogs again (click on google, for them). Use a reader to create news feeds for them.

Regularly reading your personalized lifestyle news will give you tons of inspiration for your business Facebook updates. 

Use Niche Social Sites

Find inspiration through social sites that fit your company niche. You probably understand your industry’s social niche sites. Stay linked to them and use them for inspiration on the Facebook page.

Add Contests and Promotions.

Contests and social promotions are an amazing way to increase engagement on your Facebook Page – and they give you tons of content options.

There’s loads of types of contests you can run through Facebook. You do need a third party app, though, to be in line with Facebook rules. Whether you have a big budget for prizes, or you have little to no budget for prizes, contests make great posts. Contests, coupons and sweepstakes also generate tons of engagement for your Page  – and your business.

Some companies use sweepstakes on a weekly basis, to get lots of interest in their Page. Some companies use engaging contests like vote contests, essay contests and even Video Creation Content to gain lots of shares, likes and comments on their Page.

If you are running contests to increase engagement (and market your business), it’s best to run them frequently and consistently.

Add meme updates to your Facebook

Use Pre-made Memes, or Make Your Own Another excellent tip to find engaging content is to add meme updates to your Facebook. Meme’s are extremely popular, and you can get loads of likes, shares, and remarks.

It’s a lot of locations you can use to create your own meme. In a matter of minutes, you can create them. Many of these sites are free, and shareable. That means if you ‘re really at a loss for creative posting-check out some of the meme’s already made. Share them on your Facebook page.

Inspire People

Get Inspiring Quotes from Websites and Social Sites It’s also very engaging content to find quotes. You can add them to a meme, a different picture, or simply post them as a simple quote.

Search for Images

Images is one of Facebook’s most common content. They actually get 53% more likes than the average post, and 104% more remarks than the unimaged update.

So where are you going to discover excellent pictures?

Don’t panic if you don’t have an inner image bank for your Facebook company page. There are a lot of really easy methods you can use to get them for your updates.

Using Google Images is a very easy and efficient way to get visuals. Let Google navigate the web to discover the right jpeg or png for your updates. Try a range of searches if the image you need is not found at first.

Google even categorizes some Facebook pictures for you, so there’s a nice chance that you’ll find something that fits your page and, if your approach is correct, it’s going to involve your fans illegally.

With these tips, make your daily Facebook updates a little easier, and whole lot more fun..